Children & Weaning

When can you start to wean (self-wean)? What is the best timing?

Many moms are wondering when to graduate their child from milk. First of all, there are general guidelines for when to wean, so let's understand them. Also, weaning is not something that can happen suddenly, so be sure to understand the process of weaning so that you can make the right plan. In this article, we will introduce the best timing for weaning.

When can you start Weaning?

Weaning is when a child graduates away from breastfeeding or milk by himself. Not only breast milk but also the fact that your children don't want milk anymore is called weaning. Many moms ask, "When should I start weaning?", But there is no rule that "when should I start weaning?" Once your baby is ready, you can stop breastfeeding at any time, and if the caretaker doesn't feel burdened, you can continue breastfeeding until your baby doesn't want it.

Best timing for weaning

Some mothers feel lonely when their cute child is weaning and want to extend their breastfeeding period a little longer. However, weaning needs to be timed as the child grows. There are several ways to determine the growth stage and timing of the child who will be weaning. Make sure you know how to determine when to wean so that you can have a smooth flow to wean and make the right plan.

When you start eating 3 meals

If your child is able to eat three baby foods a day, it will be time to wean because he / she will be able to get the nutrition he / she needs. However, if you do not get enough water from water or tea, or if you do not eat a lot of food, you are not getting the nutrition you need. Not only the number of meals, but also the amount of meals can be used to determine the timing of graduation, so be sure to check the situation.

When you want to get pregnant

When breastfeeding, hormonal relationships suppress ovulation. Therefore, it is difficult to get pregnant while breastfeeding. If your child is eating baby food and is ready to wean and wants to have another pregnancy, it's a good time to decide to wean. However, the child must be ready to wean and should not be forced to wean just because he wants the next pregnancy.

When you can rehydrate from something other than breast milk or milk

In addition to being able to eat three baby foods, being able to rehydrate properly from water or tea is also a condition for graduation. If you can't hydrate from anything other than breast milk or milk, wait a little longer for graduation. Also, a child cannot suddenly drink the required amount of water or drink well with a glass just because he or she has weaned. Therefore, it is also necessary to practice drinking water systematically for weaning.

When to start thinking about returning to work

When mom returns to work, she cannot breastfeed her child during work. In addition, if you do not wean, it may cause breast tension during work and mastitis (inflammation of mammary glands), which is a burden on moms. Make a plan for breastfeeding when you return to work so that you don't have to worry about breastfeeding before returning to work.

Let's proceed with weaning at the child's pace without rushing!

How was it. As mentioned earlier, there is a guideline for when to wean. Let's proceed with weaning systematically by using the guideline as a judgment material (information for making a decision). However, the pace of weaning varies from child to child. Therefore, it is important to consider the timing of weaning as a reference standard and proceed while carefully checking the condition of your child. Be careful not to rush to rush to wean.


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