Effective ways to save money From Japanese Mom #8

Do you save money?

Prices are continuing to rise, and Japanese moms, of course, save money.

But to keep on thinking that I have to save money, so don't buy this ...and so on seems like that I'm forced to put up with it, so it's not fun. This way of saving money is often short-lived. So, today I would like to talk about "effective savings methods" that are being reviewed in Japan.

1. How can you save money?

Many people may think of saving money on food expenses. Actually, 90% of respondents answered "food expenses" after conducting a similar questionnaire in Japan.

But do you really spend a lot of money on your food? Do you shop at high-end supermarkets every day? I'm afraid not. Most of you buy ingredients in the general price range.

It is important to understand what part of your household actually spends too much money and how much you can save when you get started to save money.

2. If you want to save on food expenses, see the food loss as well!

Many people think about saving money when they buy something. Then what about when you dispose of food?

Nowadays, we often hear the word "food loss". In fact, we waste more food than we think. For example, you may have had a lot of leftover food, or you may have had the experience of rotting food that you purchased cheaply in the refrigerator. In this way, your effort to save money when you buy something ends in vain. If you have this kind of experience, you can save money by reviewing how much you waste things.

3. Think "Is it really necessary?" before you buy!

Even though you are conscious of saving money, it does not mean that you should not buy anything. You can buy it and use it firmly, and if you really need it, you can buy it as long as your budget allows.

The problem is that you buy something without thinking if you really need it.

Before you buy something, take time and think about how much your life will improve with the purchase and whether it will be effective for the price. It's time to think about the real value of the purchase.

When it comes to saving money, we tend to worry about the amount of money you pay. However, as I introduced, by thoroughly using what you bought and changing to a lifestyle which you buy only what you really need. As a result, it will lead to save money without feeling a sense of urgency. 

Please try it.


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