Raising a Child that understands Gratitude [YOU are the best MOM] vol.12

Let's raise a child who can convey "Thank you" properly!

One of the words we are happy to hear from others is the word "thank you". It can be said that "thank you" plays an important role in building relationships within a group or society. So what should parents be aware of in order to raise their child to be a child who can naturally say "thank you"?

If parents say "thank you" to others, children will imitate it

Children like to imitate, so they look closely at their parents and those around them. Remembering words is the same as imitating them, isn't it? Imitate and see the reaction of the other person and learn the words. So I think the same way to express gratitude.When a child cannot say "thank you", it is customary for parents to say "thank you" together or to say "thank you" to the people around them instead of forcing them to say "thank you?" If you do, it will be a good example for your child.

Make your child experience the joy of being told "thank you"

Psychologically, children raised in a family where parents acknowledge their children and express their gratitude have a high degree of self-affirmation, while parents do not recognize their children and grow up in a family without words of gratitude. Children are said to have less self-affirmation. If you can't admit yourself, you can't admit others. As a result, it becomes difficult to thank. When parents express their gratitude to their children, they can feel confident in themselves and also develop gratitude for others.When the child himself experiences a lot of joy when he says "thank you", he naturally becomes able to say thank you to the people around him. First, let parents say a lot of "thank you" to their children. And the "thank you" that I want you to convey the most is not only "thank you" for the behavior of the child, but also "thank you" for the existence. Please tell me, "Thank you for being born to my mom!"

"Thank you" is conveyed with a natural feeling that springs up

"Thank you" is a word that can be conveyed to the other party because you are really grateful. No matter how many times you say "Thank you" to your child, if your facial expression is dark or your voice tone is low, you will not be able to express your gratitude to the other person. The important thing is to foster a feeling of gratitude along with the words.By expressing in the words "Thank you" that you are delighted to have "you" in front of you and thank you for the very existence of "you", your child's heart will be filled and people will be similarly satisfied. You will be able to thank you. "Thank you" conveys the natural feeling of gratitude that springs up from within you. If parents treat their children with such feelings every day, they will grow up to be children who can naturally convey "thank you".


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