Recognize rather than Compliment [YOU are the best MOM] vol.16

Raise your child's self-affirmation with "recognize words" rather than compliment!It is said that complimenting child-rearing is very useful for the growth of the child's mind, so many moms are practicing it. In addition, there are many moms who are worried that they may not be able to praise them just because they are scolding them. On the other hand, some criticisms have begun to appear regarding complimenting child-rearing. Some people think that praising too much can have a negative effect on children. It's quite difficult to praise and raise a child who is terrible twos, rebellious, or naughty. For those who have such problems, we recommend that you use “words that recognize your actions” that convey to your child as it really is.Communicating the facts you see to your child in words conveys the words you admit.Communicating the words you recognize is what you notice, such as your child's small changes, achievements, and efforts. All you have to do is convey the information as you see it, such as "I'm always doing my best" and "I'm practicing a lot". This is conveyed to the child as a message that they are interested in you and support you. It's as satisfying as a child's compliment. And the child gains true self-confidence by feeling that he / she recognizes himself / herself.Acknowledging the facts that can be done will increase the child's self-affirmationIt's easy to just keep an eye on the facts and actions, but it has a big effect. Even adults, when they cut their hair, when they say, "You cut your hair," you're a little happy that you noticed it, right? Even if there are no words that are highly evaluated, such as "it looks good" or "it looks nice", it makes me happy that "this person is looking at me".The same is true for children. Parents are interested in me just by watching, watching, and telling the child's behavior, such as "I ate half a meal," "I put out a lot of toys," and "I put on my shoes." The feeling of self-affirmation will increase. If you try to "acknowledge", your child's self-affirmation will increase and a relationship of trust with their parents will be fostered. And naturally, scolding children will decrease.


