To Develop Your Child's Concentration [YOU are the best MOM] vol.10

The cycle of "fun," "accomplishments," and "understanding" is important for developing children's "concentration"!

I think there are many moms who have the problem that "my child has no concentration". Especially boys' moms often feel this way. Girls are relatively broadly interested in many things and tend to be able to focus on what their mom says. On the other hand, boys can only focus on what they are interested in. If you are a boy or a girl who cannot concentrate, what should you do to improve your concentration?

Don't talk if your child is focused on something

By the time you reach the age of two, your child may naturally become obsessed with something. If you turn your back on your parents and do something, or if you usually say "look" and appeal, but you don't do it, your child will find something to focus on. It is proof that there is. At such times, you may want to ask, "What are you doing?", But let's put up with that feeling and wait for a while. That's because when mom calls out, the work is interrupted. Make sure your child isn't aware of what they're doing, and keep an eye on them until they stop or talk to you, except when it's dangerous.

A virtuous cycle of "fun," "accomplishments," and "understanding" fosters concentration

What do you think is the time when children concentrate? The answer is when you're crazy about playing alone, silently over and over again. Puzzles and blocks are recommended because they are toys that can be repeatedly made and broken. By repeating this over and over, the child will use his or her mind to think carefully, and as a result, focus on things. By experiencing the experience of "thinking, devising, and completing with your own mind," you will be able to concentrate more on what you want to do from "fun" to the next. Children will "understand" the rules and tendencies by repeating small "made" things. Kids love to have fun. I find it fun and take seriously what I am doing. That's why let your kids find it fun and let them immerse themselves in a repeatable play. As you repeat it, you will learn to think carefully with your own mind, and it will lead to a virtuous cycle to improve your "concentration" of "fun", "done", and "understanding".


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