When does your baby drink in a glass?

When does your baby drink in a glass? Introducing practice method

As your baby grows up, you have to practice more and more. One of them is the act of drinking a drink with a glass. For adults, it is a normal cup-drinking action, but for babies who are accustomed to breastfeeding and bottles, practice is required. This time, I will introduce a practice method for babies to be able to drink with a cup.

When will your baby be able to drink in a glass?

The time when your baby starts drinking with a glass varies depending on the degree of growth, but it will be easier to practice smoothly if you proceed with baby food. As a guide, you may want to start practicing drinking with a glass around the age of 7-8 months when you start eating baby food twice a day. Try holding an empty cup, and if you can hold it firmly in your hand, you may be able to start drinking with the cup. If your baby seems to drink with a glass, let him use it. However, there are individual differences in the growth of babies, so don't worry if you start drinking with a glass late.

What are the steps to drink with a glass?

It takes practice for your baby to be able to drink without spilling a glass. A common practice is to use a spout or mug with a straw to familiarize yourself with non-bottled drinks before practicing drinking a cup.A spout is a mouthpiece with a small hole that is suitable for the first practice of hydrating from anything other than the breast or the nipple of a baby bottle. If you hold a mug with a spout and tilt it against your mouth, water will come out from the hole in the spout, so you can experience the feeling of drinking with a glass.A mug with a straw is a mug for babies with a straw. Some have a structure that does not reveal the contents even when the mug is knocked down, and some have a lid, so it is recommended for practicing drinking straws. Babies can use straws from around 6 months of age, but there are individual differences as well.However, some babies are not good at drinking with spouts and some babies are having difficulty drinking straws. It is not always possible to drink a glass through the steps of spouts and straws, so let's practice while watching the baby's pace.

How to practice for your baby to drink with a glass

Now, let's check four points for your baby to practice drinking with a cup.

Make the cup interesting at play house etc.

It's a good idea to start by getting your baby interested in the cup and understanding how to use it. Try to make your dad or mom interested in the cup by showing them how they are using the cup, or playing house to imitate drinking with the cup without putting anything in the cup. prize.

Adults support the glass

Instead of letting your baby hold the glass all at once, let the adult support the glass and bring the drink to your baby's mouth. With your baby slightly down (without looking up), add a little drink to your mouth. Your baby will gradually learn when to put a drink in his mouth and how much to fill his mouth. Once you get used to it, give your baby a glass of drink.

Gradually increase the amount

It is difficult for a baby to drink a large amount in a cup from the beginning, so start with a small amount and increase it little by little.

Avoid milk and juice

When practicing a cup, practice with plain hot water or water so that if something goes wrong and your baby spills a drink, it will be easier to clean up. It is less stressful for moms to give milk and juice separately from drinks when practicing glasses, such as using a mug.

Let's practice the baby's cup slowly without rushing

For babies who used to hydrate from bottles and breasts, drinking water from a glass is more difficult than mom thinks. There are individual differences in the timing of drinking a glass, so practice at your baby's pace.


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